Getting Started

This guide describes how you can setup a simple service with petrel.

It is assumed that you have installed petrel already. If not, please follow the Installation Guide.

If you use Docker you can also use our docker image available on Docker Hub. Please read the Docker Guide for more information.

A service works as follwos:

  • You provide request handler functions in LUA (see Request Handler Interface).
  • You setup routes for your handlers via petrel.add_route() (see petrel Library).
  • Petrel routes requests to your handlers and the responses back to the clients.
  • Within the handlers you can use builtin or external native libraries to implement your service.

The very first thing you should do, is to create a project directory:

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir myservice
$ cd myservice


When petrel gets started, it will load the lua code that you put into your project directory. You have to tell petrel where your project root is located by the configuration option lua.root (see Configuration Options). For a file to be loaded it has to have the .lua extension. You can use as many files and subdirectories to structure your code as you wish.

The first thing after loading your code is to configure the server. You have to provide a function called bootstrap(). This function will be called to setup the router which purpose it is to pass requests to their handler function. We create a dedicated file for it and name it bootstrap.lua. We put the following content into it:

function bootstrap()
    petrel.add_route("/json/", "json_handler")
    petrel.add_route("/text/", "text_handler")

We setup two request handlers for our service. The json_handler will return a JSON result and the text_handler a result in plain text form.

Request Handlers

Now we create a file for each handler. Both handlers will do the same thing:

  1. They will take the incoming path,
  2. append the total number of requests to it,
  3. encode it using the base64 builtin lib and
  4. return the encoded string either in JSON format or plain text.

The json_handler() function goes into the file json_handler.lua:

function json_handler(request, response)
    -- create/load the counter metric
    req_counter = metric()

    plain = request.path .. ":" .. req_counter:total()
    encoded = base64.encode(plain)

    response.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
    response.content =
        "{\n" ..
        "  \"plain\":\"" .. plain .. "\",\n" ..
        "  \"encoded\":\"" .. encoded .. "\"\n" ..

    return response

The text_handler() function goes into the file text_handler.json:

function text_handler(request, response)
    -- create/load the counter metric
    req_counter = metric()

    plain = request.path .. ":" .. req_counter:total()
    encoded = base64.encode(plain)

    response.headers["content-type"] = "text/plain"
    response.content =
        "plain: " .. plain .. "\n" ..
        "encoded: " .. encoded .. "\n"

    return response


To start the service we will create a configuration file. This will setup basic things like where to find the lua code, the listen port etc.

Create a file named petrel.conf in your project directory with the following content:



It will tell petrel to listen on port 8585 and bind to localhost as well where to find your code.

Running the service

Now you can run petrel:

$ petrel -c /tmp/myservice/petrel.conf

You should see the following output:

Jan 25 18:54:01 | resolver_cache |       info | using DNS cache TTL of 5 minutes
Jan 25 18:54:01 |         server |       info | running 1 workers
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info | loading lua directory: /tmp/myservice
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   found /tmp/myservice/text_handler.lua
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   found /tmp/myservice/bootstrap.lua
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   found /tmp/myservice/json_handler.lua
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info | running bootstrap
Jan 25 18:54:01 |         server |       info |   new route: /json/ -> json_handler
Jan 25 18:54:01 |         server |       info |   new route: /text/ -> text_handler
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info | registered libraries
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   base64
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   hash
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   http2_client
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   http_client
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   metric
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info |   petrel
Jan 25 18:54:01 |     lua_engine |       info | initializing state buffer
Jan 25 18:54:01 |         server |     notice | http server listening on localhost:8585

It shows that our handlers got loaded and bootstrap registered them. We are ready to go now.

Sending Requests to the Service

We can use curl to fire some test requests to our new service:

$ curl "http://localhost:8585/json/foo=bar"

$ curl "http://localhost:8585/text/foo=bar"
plain: /text/foo=bar:2
encoded: L3RleHQvZm9vPWJhcjoy