Configuration OptionsΒΆ

All configuration options can be specified via commandline or configuration file. Parameters are grouped together. A paramter on the commandline has the form –<group>.<parameter>.

The following commandline options are available:

Option Description
Server options: Group name: server
http2 Run a HTTP/2 server. Default is HTTP/1.
workers Number of worker threads. By setting this to 0, 1 worker per
CPU gets created. Default is 1.
listen arg Listen on the given IP/name.
port arg (=8585) Server port for TCP
backlog arg (=0) Listen backlog. Set this to 0 for max.
http2.tls Enable SSL/TLS support for HTTP2.
http2.key-file arg SSL/TLS private key file
http2.crt-file arg SSL/TLS certificate file
dns-cache-ttl arg (=5) DNS cache TTL in minutes
LUA options: Group name: lua
root arg The lua script root. All .lua files will be loaded.
statebuffer arg (=500) The lua state buffer controlls how many lua state objects will be
kept available by the lua engine for request handling to avoid
creating states at handling time.
lua.devmode Activate the lua devmode. In this mode the server will reload the
lua scripts on every single request.
Logging options: Group name: log
syslog Log to syslog.
level arg (=6) Log level: 0=emerg, 1=alert, 2=crit, 3=err, 4=warn, 5=notice,
6=info, 7=debug
Metrics options: Group name: metrics
log arg (=0) Enable metrics logging every N seconds.
graphite Enable sending metrics to graphite.
graphite.interval arg (=10) Send the metrics every N seconds. arg The graphite host
graphite.port arg (=2003) The graphite port
graphite.prefix arg (=petrel) The name prefix for metrics send to graphite. A metric name will
be constructed as follows: <prefix>.<hostname>.<metricname>

You can use group sections in a configuration file. For example:



The above is equivalent to passing “–server.listen=localhost –server.port=8585 –server.http2 –log.syslog” via commandline.